Prostatitis is commonly referred to as an inflammation that causes tissue edema and covers the human prostate, located just below the bladder. Today, the treatment of prostatitis takes place through many modern methods, including antibiotic therapy, physiotherapy, chiropractic, herbal medicines, immunocorrective therapy, prostate massage and lifestyle correction.
When a patient is admitted to a health facility, the doctor examines him for the reasons that caused the prostatitis. Treatment of the disease will be prescribed exactly depending on what factors contributed to the onset of the disease.
Treatment of prostatitis begins with a diagnosis of the disease, which primarily includes an interview with a urologist. The doctor then proceeds to examine the patient's abdomen and genitals, palpates the prostate with his finger, introducing it into the rectum. During this test, your doctor may diagnose enlargement, swelling, and sensitivity of the prostate.
After the rectal examination, the urologist refers the patient to donate semen, urine and prostate secretions. These tests allow you to assess the presence or absence of signs of infection in them. Sometimes a seed culture is needed.
The appointment of urodynamic studies will allow the doctor to understand how serious the effect of the disease is on the urination process.
Transrectal ultrasound and ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder allow the urologist to judge the volume and structure of the prostate, the amount of residual urine, the presence of tumors or stones in the bladder, the presence of a blood clot or stones in the lower third of the ureter.
Based on the above analyzes and studies, a urologist prescribes therapy for such an insidious and difficult-to-cure disease as prostatitis. Treatment of prostatitis will give positive results only if it is comprehensive and if it is chosen by a competent doctor.
Antibacterial treatment of prostatitis
Due to the fact that prostate inflammation is often contagious, doctors prescribe treatment for prostatitis as antibacterial therapy. The result of treatment will be positive only if the urologist chooses the right therapy, and the patient strictly adheres to the prescribed therapy. It should be borne in mind that starting a course of antibiotic therapy can not be stopped - in this way you can harm not only the diseased organ, but the whole body as a whole.
The patient should inform the doctor of any, sometimes not even significant changes in his body. If the patient did not feel absolutely no changes during 2-3 days of treatment, then the doctor should replace the antibiotic with another, but not cancel it.
The most commonly prescribed drugs for treatment are broad-spectrum drugs - penicillins.
Also, modern medicine widely uses agents from the group of fluoroquinolones. Microbes do not develop resistance to these drugs - this is one of the most important properties of the group of these antibiotics.
In addition, many doctors prescribe drugs from the tetracycline treatment group.
Sometimes such highly effective new generation drugs are used. They should be used only after consulting a doctor.
Antibacterial treatment of prostatitis in patients with chronic prostatitis lasts about a month and a half. In advanced cases, treatment of prostatitis is extended to 16 weeks. Occasionally, during antibiotic therapy, the patient develops intestinal dysbiosis. In this regard, the patient is prescribed an intake of agents that restore the intestinal microflora.
Dosage and dosing regimen are prescribed by a urologist in each case individually.
Physiotherapy activities
Treatment of prostatitis with physiotherapy consists of the use of various methods, the main of which are ultrasound, laser therapy, electrical stimulation, magnetotherapy, microwave therapy, UHF, galvanization, curative electrophoresis, darsonvalization, therapeutic microclysters, baths, mud.
Ultrasound is used as high frequency waves that a person cannot hear.
Laser therapy is a fairly common, almost painless method. This is the effect of laser beams on the tissues of the diseased organ or on the reflexogenic zones.
Treatment of prostatitis with electrical stimulation is the effect of an electrical impulse current that causes muscle contractions in the organ. Electrical stimulation is divided into rectal, perineal, and urethral.
Magnetotherapy is the treatment of prostatitis by exposing it to a constant magnetic and alternating low-frequency field on the tissues of the affected organ.
Microwave therapy is the effect of a high frequency electromagnetic field on the affected tissues.
UHF is a complex of therapeutic measures using tissue-supplied capacitor plates.
Galvanization is a method of processing powered by low continuous current and low voltage.
Medical electrophoresis is the simultaneous effect of low-current direct current and special drugs that are introduced into the tissues with its help. The current increases the ionic activity in the tissues, while the pharmacological effect of the drugs occurs.
Darsonvalization is a method of treatment by rapid extinguishing of a high-frequency pulse current of low power with high voltage.
Medical microclysters - enemas, for which various herbal infusions and decoctions are used.
Baths used to treat the disease are prescribed generally or locally sitting. During bathing, different medicinal liquids of different temperatures are used.
Mud procedures - use of medicinal mud. Treatments may include the use of external mud applications or the insertion of mud pads into the anus.
Leeches are a wonderful gift of nature to humanity. With the help of these living beings, many diseases can be cured, including prostatitis. Treatment of prostatitis with leeches is carried out according to the following scheme: leeches are placed at points located 3 cm from the anus (anus), and the setting should resemble the letter "X". The center of the letter is the anus, and the ends of the letter are the place of the leeches.
A slightly different method of treatment is also widely used: leeches are inserted that go from the central suture of the perineum about 2 cm in each direction. It is not recommended to place leeches directly on the border seam. The course lasts about 4-5 treatment procedures. 4 leeches are used in one session. After each session, take a break of 5-6 days.
Herbal medicine
Phytotherapy is a complex of therapeutic measures with medicinal tinctures, decoctions, juices, infusions prepared from medicinal plants. Some of these medications must be taken internally, while others are used externally, by injecting them into the urethra. An herbal remedy is an additional treatment that helps the body cope with the disease faster.
The bark, seeds, roots, buds and rhizomes of plants are usually used to make decoctions, for infusions - flowers, leaves, grass and stems. There are a huge number of prescriptions for the preparation of medicines.
One of the most popular recipes is an infusion of birch buds and oats mixed with an infusion of pomegranate (1: 1), which is taken half a cup 1 or 2 times a day.
Tincture of horse chestnut bark (pour 250 ml of 25 g of finely chopped bark, insist in the dark for 10 days, shaking occasionally). After that, strain the tincture, take 30 drops 3 times a day.
Squeeze parsley juice and mix with any honey (1: 1), use 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. spoons.
Immunocorrective treatment of prostatitis
Treatment of prostatitis also consists in raising immunity and activating the body's defenses. In this case, doctors prescribe immunocorrective therapy. It includes the patient's intake of various vitamins, immunomodulators, biostimulants, herbal medicines and other means.
The use of afala in patients with chronic prostatitis, whose treatment is carried out in a complex way, increases the effectiveness of therapy and contributes to longer preservation of the achieved results. The drug is well tolerated and has no contraindications. It can be combined with any other therapy. Afala is indicated for patients with chronic prostatitis category II and III A from day 1 of treatment.
Prostate massage
Treating prostatitis with prostate massage is an uncomfortable but very effective way to treat the disease. The massage is performed by an experienced doctor. First, with the help of a gloved index finger, he feels the prostate, trying to correct its parameters, the degree of pain, the ratio of the right and left lobes of the gland, and also examine the quality of mucus in the rectum. After that, the doctor starts the massage procedure itself.
Lifestyle correction
To avoid blood stagnation in the prostate, the patient has to move a lot, walk, play sports and so on.
The appearance of prostatitis is very often caused by a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, infrequent sexual intercourse. They cause blood clots in the prostate. In this situation, for therapeutic purposes, the patient is prescribed physical activities (feasible), corrective gymnastics, walking in the fresh air, special diet, etc.
Thus, comprehensive treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis should include:
- antibiotic therapy (only in patients with chronic prostatitis of infectious nature, including latent);
- symptomatic treatment to eliminate the leading manifestations of the disease;
- pathogenetic therapy aimed at restoring microcirculation in the prostate, restoring drainage of prostate glands along the excretory ducts, normalization of urination, stabilization of the immune and hormonal system, prevention of excessive production of fibrous tissue.
There are many signs that indicate to a patient that prostatitis has "settled" in his body. Treatment of this disease is very difficult and long-term, which gives positive results only if the patient strictly follows all the prescriptions of the urologist.